Tuesday, May 11, 2010

tuesday sprinkles ;)

what really soothes a troubled heart is the ability to be completely honest with Him whom we can trust whole-heartedly =)
to completely CAST OUR CARES unto the One who truly cares

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and i will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for i am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

what i have learned through last week and still learning today, is this invisible lesson that God is teaching me through this life of mine. It's so amazing how God uses things in life to teach me about His word. Sometimes i just don't understand, you know how clueless i can be sometimes.. really really!! but.. i can feel God is patient, really.. :)

lol.. one great thing i'm still learning and still looking to Jesus for His example is being humble... humility.. it really is a totally amazing thing! when you look on to Jesus, actually there are so many things you can learn from Him. He wasn't just a leader, He was also a servant! He serve others. He even wash His disciples' feet! *for me, i could remember vividly that i wasn't stunned when i read this for the first time in sunday school, cuz i feel Jesus is like one of the good superheroes and always do amazing stuff, doing that was good , that's all*... but now.. when i rethink about it.. i'm awed.. He just cause me to say "WOW!!"..

you know, to me.. when i was younger.. the thought of being humble is very very "heart aching".. because it feels as though as letting people to step on you kinda thing. (hm.. but then i guess it's a disillutioned view i've been having at that time) hahha..

when i look at the humbleness that Jesus have, It is by His love, that compels Him to express his humility.. even He is the Son of God, because He love us and of course God the Father, He is able to humble himself in a form of man to come to this earth to live with us, teach us and most importantly to die for our sins!(and rose again after 3 days and nights of course! ;)) ...

hmm.. i'm still learning ;)

And we shall claim that We are BLESSED & HIGHLY FAVOURED!
love you lots,

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