Sunday, March 14, 2010

pouring out :)

Every moment in life is a chance to experience what God wants us to. Bear in mind, that He has a purpose for everything that happened and about to.

At this point of time where i am at. I strive to quench this thirst i have for God. Read on then you'll understand :)

think of your first time your heart burns with the fire of passion for God. It was an awesome feeling ain't it? :)
but you have to know that if you don't continue to add fuel or charcoal to the bonfire.. sooner or later the fire will slowly die off!
same with the fire of passion! if you don't draw closer to God, read His word, grow in relationship with Him.. how could the fire continue to burn?

The more you pour your life out the more draining you feel.. Feeling as though the thing that kept you on are diminishing and you are giving what you only have to others.. more like using your own strength instead of God's! (tht's when you feel burnt out)

ahha! there! if you find that you are categorize here.. you need to work on keeping that fire burning! not just glowing.. not just sparkling.. but BURNING!! (added with the blazing heat- that influence others!)

i realize, that life is a process in which we learn at every point ! Good or bad. All these mature us. At points in life when you are down & low, that moment actually is essential in order to bring you higher up to another level of maturity!

Therefore Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS! and again i say Rejoice! know that He holds everything in His hands! He is in control of EVERYTHING, yes everything! ...

You are blessed & Highly Favoured!

Listen to this ;) ~Let the River Flow~

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