Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Laugh out Loud

so it was yesterday, in my office. when suddenly the phone rang. i was actually in the midst of completing my task. 'Oh well,' i thought. i put down my things and rushed to my desk and pick up the phone. Cleared my throat and with my most profesional voice i said the magic words.. "hello, good morning, *company's name*" and wait for the caller's response. As i heard the caller mention my name, i paused. shocked that the caller know my name.. ok ..weird.. couldn't be my mom.. cuz it don't sound like her... hmm.. ? then as i continued listening, i realize it was an intercom... from my boss.. HAHAHAHHAHA... silly silly...

hope it put a smile on your face... :D

hahaha.. somehow i feel that sometimes silly mistakes are tiny little sparks that can brighten up one's day .. don't you think?

God bless you all
Have a great week ya?!


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